Saturday, August 18, 2007

Countdown to Korff

Time is quickly slipping by for the being Kal K. Korff to accept, reject, or ignore the humble offer from the being Paul Kimball. The being Kevin Randle spared no time in accepting the offer of the being Paul Kimball.


Anonymous said...

Tick-tock Colonel Korffy. Run like the coward everyone knows you are. Look if Korff accepts I predict he will pull out with a last minute emergency or some other excuse.

Anonymous said...

Yeah it is easy to be brave from the other side of the world. I am sure that Kal Korff shivers at the thought of having to return anywhere near the United States. The safety and protection of Prague this Kal dude will not leave!

Anonymous said...

please get Korff out of Prague, somehow! hes ruining my city

a prague resident